Friday 1 July 2011


                     Facebook: Ungarevolution Kenya. Twitter: #ungarevolution                            CONTACT: 0702655596

Date: 28th June 2011


The Unga Revolution is a self motivated and non-violent movement of the people of Kenya aimed at realizing all the rights and privileges as enshrined in the constitution of Kenya.

Currently the Unga Revolution is focusing on the Article 43 of the constitution ECONOMIC & SOCIAL RIGHTS-which state that all citizens have a right to Food, Housing, Healthcare, Education, Employment and Social Security. On 31st May 2011 the Unga Revolution organized an assembly along Harambee Avenue between the office of the President and the PM with an aim of highlighting the escalating prices of basic commodities especially food stuffs. The Principals in their address to the assembly promised that the issues raised by the Unga Revolution especially the price of basic commodities shall be addressed in the budget statement.

The Unga Revolution has earmarked 7th July 2011 (Saba Saba day) as a day of remembering the social struggle that the Young Turks and other progressive forces endured to create room for constitutional Review and opening up of democratic space to organize. It is also in memory of 14 Youth who died during Saba Saba Nane Nane and Tisa Tisa Rallies dubbed no reform no elections organized by NCEC in 1997 which gave the momentum for constitutional reforms in Kenya. It will also be a reminder that the Implementation of Article 43 of the constitution should be treated as a matter of urgency. You are invited to attend the Saba Saba Day Commemorations outside Harambee Avenue at 1:00PM.

Meanwhile as part of Saba Saba Day rally we have organized a ceremony to Honor Saba Saba Heroes at the same venue. Unga Revolution shall reward them with presents hence this personal invitation to your media house to cover the event.  

·         Raila Odinga
·         Dr. Willy Mutunga
·         Paul Muite
·         Martin Shikuku
·         Keneth Matiba
·         Charles Rubia
·         Timothy Njoya
·         Koigi Wamwere
·         Gitobu Imanyara
·         James Orengo
·         Davinder Lamba
·         Wangari Maathai
·         Martha Karua
·         Mukisa Kituyi
·         Njeri Kabeberi
·         Kiraitu Murungi

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